FAILURE! I failed a lot during the past three years. With each failure, I failed bigger and more exuberantly. Standing at the end of my time at CalArts and looking back, I realize now that all of these failures weren't complete disasters but instead experiments, each offering a small success or something to be learned, ideas and tricks to be deployed in my post-CalArts practice.
I really love the Psychedelic Nazi title sequence mashup I made in Michael’s Motion 1 class about drug use in the Third Reich, Blitzed!
When we came up with Sam's nickname in Typographics, Sam Serif.
I'd love to run my own all female studio!
Fail BIG or go home! Show up everyday.
I love the initial period of iteration; it’s loose & exuberant. The early iterations become prolonged states of questioning, curiosity & loose energy.
Covid has completely altered the world that I thought I'd be graduating into... but I have been surprised and humbled by how adaptable GD and designers already seem to be in the face of it.
These are part of a graduate practice project that explores a history of timekeeping devices alongside a ritual of daily clock making. The process of attempting to make a unique clock daily, within the constraints of 60 days made this project as much about the structures of creativity as it is about the structures and systems of time. The resulting collection of clocks are humorous, poetic, and sculptural collages that work to reorient our sense of time and units of measurement. The final outcome of this project was a short film, with these clocks serving as props driving the larger narrative.