Naveen Hattis

How would you define making it big?

Hmmm, committing and believing in what you are doing?

What's a big move that has shaped you?

Enrolling in CalArts!

What's your next big move?

Self-publish a book.

Weirdest thing encountered at CalArts?

Well, there is this skunk that hangs out in the courtyard and i've grown very fond of it's company.

Favorite project at CalArts?

I had fun printing on the riso!

Funnest memory from a crit?

Maybe just watching people struggle to stay awake.

Three words that describe your current work?

Print, digital, typographic.

How have current (big) circumstances affected your perspective on design?

In a lot of ways. I think it boils down to thinking about what really matters.

Poster for Xavier Cha

Poster for the Paul Brach Visiting Artist Lecture Series. This lecture was cancelled due to COVID-19. I still made the poster for the cancelled event incorporating the virus as part of the content.

Poster for Jerome Harris (Collab with Aren Williams)

Poster for the Graphic Design Department Visiting Designer Lecture Series. This lecture was cancelled due to COVID-19. I still made the poster for the cancelled event incorporating the virus as part of the content.

Language Project

Created a small zine incorporating experimental typography based on the phrase, “We Shortcut Con Cept To Make Con Sense”. Printed on Newsprint, 3 color Riso.