I would define making it big as working somewhere I feel not only creatively sustained, but also pride for working there. I think that it's really important to me to be surrounded by people I enjoy working with and be able to do work that I truly enjoy and believe in. There's nothing that feels more successful than being able to have that.
For me, the move from thinking that art could only be a hobby to believing that design/art could be my career has defined who I am—more than anything. Applying to art school and going 100% all the way with it showed me that it's better to full-ass something than half-ass it and expect it to just work. I definitely skeptical of the idea of making a living off of something I just enjoy to do, but it's paid off so far.
I don't know!! And, that's really kind of exciting!! I've been in school since I was 3 years old, and for the first time in my life I really have no planned schedule and I can just fully enjoy life. I'm really excited to continue learning on my own, finding places to work and having that shape the next 20 years of my life.
design.calarts.edu! My baby!
Heinz bean tester.
Just fucking do it and it'll happen!
The part when you look back and suddenly realize how much you've done.
Cry for help.
1. Get water with Gian and Bryan 2. Bother Gian. 2. Bother Bryan.