Making it big is living up to your own personal aspirations and achieving a balanced life of self sustenance and happiness. For me, that means living rich, but not in financial wealth, rather rich in experiences, people I care about, creative freedom, and simply being happy :)
That’s a tough one since I feel like every year at CalArts is a big move forwards. But if I had to kind of hone it in, then I would say that re-learning to let go has been a big shift… sometimes we get so wrapped up in something that we forget about everything else around, and for me, coming back to a simpler and flow state of mind has been a big reshaping. Keep moving forward is what I always tell myself —>
You haven't heard? I'm going to continue to Change The Game. Oh and make some new things, you know, surprise yourself : )
My desire to make work is less based on influence and more driven by a desire to create something new and exciting. Something that catches the eye, that sparks interest, and that ultimately gets me excited while making it.
I can't pick an all time fav, but the HUM AR poster was pretty exciting. Also my interactive motion piece was super exciting as well.
When D-Yoo made a heart shaped logo for a dating app that actually ended up looking like a dick LMAO
The outcome of your work is dictated by the way you choose to create it.
Getting that hyper creative juice flow rush 0.o
I set no parameters, no rules, and no limits for this series of posters. I made them over time, from different starting points, at random moments, and just kept adding till I couldn’t anymore. Overall, it’s a practice in making work that gets me excited, that allows for exploration, and that pushes my own personal understanding.
Challenge, yourself. I had the idea to create a 1-day visual identity for a while… one day this past semester I got the inspiration to do so and that’s how the project was born. It’s a fictitious tour design package for rapper Denzel Curry’s (at the time) latest mixtape.