Joe Suh

How would you define making it big?

To make with no restraints.

What's a big move that has shaped you?

Approaching and tackling new forms and ways of making.

What's your next big move?

Exploring different media and fearless generation.

Biggest influence on your work?

Family and friends. They inspire me and help me go beyond my natural proclivities.

Who is your favorite GD faculty member?

My main man Michael Worthington. Super critical and encouraging. Every moment is a teaching moment with Michael!

Name an important lesson you've learned so far in your academic career.

Rest. Critical distance is just as if not important as tireless working.

How have current (big) circumstances affected your perspective on design?

It reminded me that design doesn't exist in a vacuum.

What are 3 must-haves/must-dos that put you in a working mood?

Non-incandescent light bulbs, cold temperature, and a clear table space.

What's your signature design move?


5G Connotative Poster

A single RGB Poster about physical aspects of a future dominated by 5G internet and its effects to our natural world.

Vulcan Branding Book

A branding book that documents the full creative process of an imaginary brand. Vulcan exists in the near dystopian future of 2070 where social status and wealth are determined by an individual’s performance in gladiatorial death sports. Vulcan is a “top-of-the-line” brand that develops robotic human augmentations where athletes seek to give up a portion of their humanity in hopes to seek glory and climb the social ladder.

Children Of Men Movie Poster

Contemporary Movie Poster for the 2006 Film Children Of Men