Jenna Ryu

How would you define making it big?

Entering CalArts.

What's a big move that has shaped you?

Friends who support and help me.

What's your next big move?

A passion for development.

Weirdest thing encountered at CalArts?

Bumping into a naked person in a hallway.

Funnest memory from a crit?

When I heard my design is terrible ^^

What is your favorite part of the design process?

Freedom (Not in life, in design).

Three words that describe your current work?

Colorful, Funny, Unique

What are 3 must-haves/must-dos that put you in a working mood?

Light, Coffee, big screen

Interstellar Title Sequence

Interstellar is a 2014 epic science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. This title sequence has a space background and is made with simple lines and shapes. Music is Intro by The XX.

Miguel Gutierrez: Sadonna REDCAT Poster

Miguel Gutierrez reinterprets Madonna’s big successes in a melancholic way. I made two different versions to show these sides.

Tsekeleke by Nozinja Album Cover

Album cover design for Tsekeleke by Nozinja. He has a very unique and chaotic metal world. To show this, I used many colorful elements.

I’m So Excited (2013) Movie Poster

Movie poster for I’m So Excited. This movie is about what happens in an airplane. I used an airplane and wine glass as a penis and vagina.